Friday, February 28, 2020

HW #18 Due Monday 3/2 and Ch 7-11 Test

HW #18 Due 3/2

WB page 40:
1. Complete the vocabulary
2. Write a sentence for each of the 6 words provided.
**Use the white space on WB page 40 or attach loose-leaf with the sentences.

Chapter 7-11 Test Coming Soon
Probably Thursday 3/5 and Friday 3/6

  • 10 Multiple-Choice Questions
  • 2 Short Response Questions: This time students will answer BOTH of the questions.
Review sheet will be posted soon.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

HW #17 Due Thursday 2/27 + NY State Test Resources

WB page 36:
1. Complete the vocabulary
2. Write a sentence for each of the 6 words provided.
**Use the white space on WB page 36 or attach loose-leaf with the sentences.

Below is a link to resources for both ELA and Math State Test.

Monday, February 24, 2020

HW #16 Due Tuesday 2/25

WB page 32:
1. Complete the vocabulary
2. Write a sentence for each of the 6 words provided.
**Use the white space on WB page 32 or attach loose-leaf with the sentences.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Lyddie Test Ch 1-6 Review

After we finish Ch 6, there will be a test on Ch 1-6.  It will have 10 multiple-choice questions and one or two short response questions.  Short response questions must have all parts of ACE/CEA/RACE/RACER.

Review for Assessment
Part I: Vocabulary: focus on the meaning of the underlined word within the context of the text provided.
  1. “He should know she was not going to be beholden to the neighbors for anything so trivial as her own comfort” (7). 
Synonyms or definition:

  1. “‘She didn’t say nothing about the calf,’ Lyddie said suddenly in the midst of their sorrowful packing up” (10).
Synonyms or definition:

  1. “He turned in the immense doorway-...” (17)
Synonyms or definition:

  1. “She spoke rarely, but she listened intently...” (24)
Synonyms or definition:

  1. “The mistress was too mean to invest in a tinderbox, but she was mortified to be thought a careless housewife who let her kitchen fire die, so she put Lyddie in charge of it” (27). 

“She couldn’t stand the thought of Charlie being mortified by her in front of these people who thought so highly of him” (37).
Synonyms or definition:

  1. “--’a little reading is an exceedingly dangerous thing’” (41)
Synonyms or definition:

Part II: Reading Comprehension with interaction between setting, character, and plot

  1. In the first chapter, Lyddie’s actions toward the trespassing bear reveals what character trait(s)?

  1. After reading the letter from their mother (page 9), what or who was Lyddie most concerned about? 

  1. How might you describe the relationship between the Stevens family and Worthen family? 
    1.  How does Mama feel about the Stevens family?  ___________________________
    2. How does Charlie and Lyddie Worthen feel?  ___________________________
    3. How are the Stevens’s toward the Worthens?  ___________________________

  1. How did Lyddie feel after her visit to the mill to look for Charlie? (pages 36-37)

  1. Lyddie gave money to Ezekial and then was “leaden with sadness” (43).  Why did giving the money to him cause a sadness?

  1. How does Mistress Cutler feel about about Lyddie? (pages 20-24)

  1. When Lyddie is fired, she feels “lighthearted” (44).  Why does she feel that way?

  1. What is Triphena’s frog story about? 
    1.  What does it show about how Triphena sees Lyddie (chapter 4)?

    1. How should Lyddie feel about the story? (is it something to discourage her? Make her proud?...)

  1. Ezekial suggests that Lyddie is also a slave (chapter 6).  In what ways does he show this is true?

Thursday, February 6, 2020

HW #15 Due Mon 2/10

On the same handout as HW #14, complete questions #2 and #3.  Follow the directions on the handout.

2. Lyddie gets a visitor:  How does she feel after he leaves and why does she feel that way?  Use two details from the text to support your answer. Remember: Answer/Cite Evidence/Explain

3. Two men come into the inn.  What do Lyddie and Triphena overhear them talking about?  

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

HW #14 Due Thursday 2/6

Paragraph Response to Questions #1 on handout:
  1. When Lyddie arrives at the tavern, she stands outside for a minute, thinking, “Once I walk in that gate, I ain’t free anymore...No matter how handsome the house, once I enter I’m a servant girl” (18).

To what extent is Lyddie’s prediction correct?  Use two details from the text to support your answer.  Remember: Answer/Cite Evidence/Explain

Monday, February 3, 2020

HW 13 Due Tues 2/4/2020

Answer text-based questions on WB pages 16 and 17 (#1-3).  None of the answers are required to be in paragraph format.  For #2, list the evidence from the text in quotations marks with the page #.