Thursday, January 23, 2020

Essay due 1/23-1/28 AND return novel copies

Late work will lose 5 points for each day late.  Any work given after 1/28 is considered late.  If students need to finish typing or print the work, they can come in during a lunch period.  It will not be something they can print during class next week.

Hand in:
Top: Final essay to grade
Middle: Draft work (most students have yellow paper as draft)
Bottom: Outline work (as is--no additions or adjustments needed)
Make sure to return the copies of A Long Walk to Water (please and thank you!).

ADDITIONAL edits not listed on the edit checklist: 
1) remove all language that refers to you or your reader (me/my/I/you)  
2) remove all language that refers to parts of the essay (essay/claim/evidence)
3)essay format has indents to separate paragraphs--not extra spaces between paragraphs
If typed the essay is double-spaced and the margin in on the left (do not center your essay)

Introduction is thorough:
  • Contains strong, clear claim
  • Contains a brief description of the novel
  • Identifies title and author
Body Paragraph #1
Paragraph is thorough: 
  • Contains strong statement that supports the claim (A)
  • Contains clear context for evidence
  • Cites strong, relevant evidence (C)
  • Explanation/Analysis of evidence is clear and thorough (E)
Body Paragraph #2
Paragraph is thorough: 
  • Contains strong statement that supports the claim (A)
  • Contains clear context for evidence
  • Cites strong, relevant evidence (C)
  • Explanation/Analysis of evidence is clear and thorough (E)
Body Paragraph #3
Paragraph is thorough: 
  • Contains strong statement that supports the claim (A)
  • Contains clear context for evidence
  • Cites strong, relevant evidence (C)
  • Explanation/Analysis of evidence is clear and thorough (E)
  • Restates claim
  • Contains relevant connection to the world
  • Notable sense of voice
Organization & Conventions
L.1  L.2
L.3  L.6

  • Essay has a formal style using strong vocabulary and a notable sense of voice
  • Effectively uses transition words
  • Demonstrates strong command of conventions with few errors

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Essay 1st Draft 1/15

Essay 1st Draft: should be nearly complete or complete for class Weds 1/15 for REVISING on Weds.  It must be 5 paragraphs.  On the outline, each page is one paragraph.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Test: Ch 10-18 1/16

Next week Thursday, 1/16, there will be a multiple-choice test for Ch 10-18.  It has 15 questions.  Like all the others, they use their book as it measures comprehension.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Test Monday 1/6: Short Response

Students will write a short response that compares Salva to the boys in the article "Time Trip".  In class today (Thursday 1/2) students were tasked to mark evidence in the article and the novel that shows some of the comparisons.  If students did not complete this or want to review the ideas more, they should have the article with them (or come back and ask me for it) to better prepare for the test on Monday.  They will only have 1 period to complete the short response which is why I am having them prepare evidence in advance.