Monday, December 16, 2019

Break HW due 1/2/2020

In class (since last week), we have been working on a packet to outline the 5 paragraphs that will make up an essay.  For HW, students will complete any part(s) of the outline/graphic organizer that are not completed this week in class.  The packet will be worth 50 total HW points (10 points per page).  I will collect it from students on the due date.

This is the information that should be gathered for the HW. 

Focusing Question: What factors enable Salva to survive the intensely challenging environment in A Long Walk to Water ?
Introduction Paragraph: Introduce text, topic, and claim.  

A Long Walk to Water by Linda Sue Park is a novel about… (add a brief summary of the novel) 

Claim: Include 3 survival factors

Body Paragraph #1: Survival Factor #1 

1)Topic Sentence: Survival factor #1 that enables Salva to survive his difficult environment: 
2)Context for Evidence 1 (describe briefly what’s happening in that part of the story): 
3)Evidence 1: Taken directly from the text (and Page #) that directly connects to your survival factor
4)Analysis 1: How does your evidence connect to your survival factor? (your own thinking!)
5)Context for Evidence 2 (describe briefly what’s happening in that part of the story):
6)Evidence 2: Taken directly from the text (and Page #) that directly connects to your survival factor
7)Analysis 2: Explain how your evidence proves your topic sentence:

Body Paragraph 2 : Survival Factor #2

1)Topic Sentence: Survival factor #2 that enables Salva to survive his difficult environment: 
2)Context for Evidence 1 (describe briefly what’s happening in that part of the story): 
3)Evidence 1: Taken directly from the text (and Page #) that directly connects to your survival factor
4)Analysis 1: How does your evidence connect to your survival factor? (your own thinking!)
5)Context for Evidence 2 (describe briefly what’s happening in that part of the story):
6)Evidence 2: Taken directly from the text (and Page #) that directly connects to your survival factor
7)Analysis 2: Explain how your evidence proves your topic sentence:

Body Paragraph #3: Survival Factor #3 

1)Topic Sentence: Survival factor #3 that enables Salva to survive his difficult environment: 
2)Context for Evidence 1 (describe briefly what’s happening in that part of the story): 
3)Evidence 1: Taken directly from the text (and Page #) that directly connects to your survival factor
4)Analysis 1: How does your evidence connect to your survival factor? (your own thinking!)
5)Context for Evidence 2 (describe briefly what’s happening in that part of the story):
6)Evidence 2: Taken directly from the text (and Page #) that directly connects to your survival factor
7)Analysis 2: Explain how your evidence proves your topic sentence:
Conclusion: Wrap it up

  • Restate your claim (but change the wording up a bit) 

  •  Very briefly summarize the end of the novel 

  • Make a connection between your essay and society or the world