Monday, December 2, 2019

Paragraph Due by Fri 12/6 AND Test 12/9

It will be graded as an assessment/test.
It can be written out or typed.  
It can be turned in earlier.
Students are welcome to come in and work on it with partners during lunch.

Info from handout in the classroom:
Revise means to make changes for improvement
Some of the things to revise:
  • Language--anything from the wording of your answer to language you use to analyze
  • Evidence--make sure you selected the strongest examples to show your answer
  • Did you put your evidence smoothly into a sentence?  Does it include context?
  • Did you repeat the same words often?
  • Are there transition words where needed?
Editing is looking for and fixing errors
  • Capitalization: proper names and places, first letter of every sentence
  • Punctuation: quotes, sentence endings, apostrophes
  • Sentence structure: run-ons (sentences that run on and on), fragments (incomplete sentences)
  • Right word: its or it’s, their or there or they’re, etc
  • Before: First, Initially, Once, In the past, Formerly, Previously
  • After: Later, Eventually, Following, Afterwords, Eventually, Consequently, After that, From that point on, As a result of
  • Violence/Violent: assault, attack, cruel, cruelty, bloodshed, brutal, brutality, fierce, fierceness, harsh, harshness, ruthless, deadly, damaged, dangerous
  • Women, Children, Elderly: civilians, innocent bystanders, not warriors
  • For example, In the text it states, the article states, One example, One place to see this in the text is when it says, For instance
  • In addition, Furthermore, Also, Next

Also, there will be a test after Ch 10 for Ch 5-10.  The date will 12/9.  Students will use the book during the test.  It will be 15 multiple-choice questions.

Some of the concepts tested will include:
  • Understanding Figurative Language (in context of the story)
  • Vocabulary (also in context of the story)
  • Setting
  • Characterization (Character Traits)
  • Interaction of Elements (how elements of the story affect each other)
    • For example: How the setting affects the character(s)