Thursday, April 2, 2020

Grading thus far...

Hi everyone!  I hope everyone is doing alright with all that is happening.  I just want to let you all know that the grades in PupilPath may not be the way the grading ends up actually being.  We are all still waiting for more guidelines from the city and/or state regarding the process during this time.  I am currently entering grades based on what I receive in order to let everyone know what is in and what is missing.  I want to let you know ahead of time that the numbers you see may change.  But, it is accurate based on what has been completed and what has not been completed.  Please make sure to stay in contact if you have any questions or concerns.  I will do my best to help based on the information I have received thus far.

I can be reached via PupilPath email, DOE email (, and via Google Classroom (